Lisa Martinez is a Washington, D.C. area E-RYT 200 certified yoga instructor and mother of six boys. From 2005-2008, she lived in Mumbai, India with her family, and upon returning to the United States, she earned her credentials and began teaching yoga. You can read more of her moving story about embracing yoga to help her heal after the death of her fourth son here on her website. You can also check out some other amazing videos of Lisa on her Instagram account: strongyogamama, including this one of her and her dog Georgie. I admire her physical and personal strength and the joy and energy she dedicates to her work, family, faith, and fun. Often, when I see Lisa in a post on social media, she’s upside down.
Lisa and I first met when we were cheerleaders for different local schools in the eighth grade. In high school together, we tried out for the squad. Lisa injured herself during the tryouts and didn’t make the cut. I didn’t make the cut either, but because I wasn’t very good (“flaccid roundoffs”). Neither of us tried again, because, as Lisa says, “it was destiny.” When I asked her if she would read this poem, I jokingly suggested she could read it while upside down. As you can see, Lisa likes a challenge.
Photographs by Tyrell Heaton. See more of his work here.