Garrett Sohnly was born in Sylvania, Ohio. He is a sophomore interior design major at Columbus College of Art and Design who switched from fashion and fine arts. He typically fabricates in furniture, sculpture, painting, illustration, and costume; which he would like to move into a more commercially designed scale. He may also be a coffee addict, but still goes to bed at 9.
Painting by Garrett Sohnly
Garrett and I have actually never met in person, but I heard about him from my friend Josh Butts, who taught Garrett in a writing course at Columbus College of Art and Design, where they read my book. I reached out to Garrett, and he delighted me with this recording and his artwork. I thought these paintings fit well with the mood of the poem. Look for another poem read by Garrett and more of his artwork in a future post.
Painting by Garrett Sohnly